Friday, 2 November 2012

Walnut & Cinnamon Muffins! Perfect Christmas Treats

Two posts in one day?! Woah, I am on a roll! This afternoon I made some delicious Walnut & Cinnamon muffins. After raiding all of our baking cook books for inspiration knowing that I wanted to include cinnamon, I found a simple recipe in my 'Sweet Treats Collection' recipe book series from Next.

The finished result! They are very moist inside - you could compare it to a carrot cake perhaps (it is practically the same concept apart from the carrot and bananas). The cinnamon isn't too overpowering and the walnuts soften so that they aren't too crunchy. I trickled a little bit of plain icing on the top of them in a crisscross shape and then left them to dry and finish cooling. They are not only perfect for Christmas, but November nights, cosied up on the sofa with a hot chocolate. Don't tell anyone but I've just eaten my fourth one haha!

Love, Juliette xo
*recipe is from the Sweet Treats Collection from Next, no copyright intended


  1. Love ur blog! We'd love if u cud check mine out:)

  2. These muffins look so yummy! I love walnut AND cinnamon :) maybe I'll have a try myself x

  3. Ooo these look great - I'll be trying them soon! Your blog is super cute - following!

    I've just started blogging over at Perhaps you'd be kind enough to have a look? Would be much appreciated! xxx


I appreciate all of your comments and I will always try to reply to them a.s.a.p! Always visit back and see my reply x

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